Last week, we spent Thursday finishing the Lone Ranger film, and I would like to go into detail about my thoughts.  I really have enjoyed both Tonto and John’s characters, and I think we see John’s character develop a tremendous amount throughout the film.  At the beginning of the film, he thought that anyone who did any wrongdoing needed to go on trial in a court of law.  He wanted JUSTICE! After he began to see the amount of injustice in society and the fact that most terrible people did not ever go to court, (since they just kept hurting others) his perspective changed.  He even remarked that he wanted to be an outlaw to fight against the horrible people in the world.

Although I think the film is an awesome action film and I loved the mystical white horse, I think that at times it could be a little bit too cheesy.  I’m not a big fan of films that always make women look weak and that they need to be saved all the time.  I felt like Rebecca was an incredibly intelligent and powerful woman, yet she needed John to save her and her son.  I wish that they could have made Rebecca a more powerful character who fought with John to fight the bad guys.  The time Rebecca did try to throw coal at one of the bad men, she got hit in the head with another piece of coal and passed out.  It just put a bad taste in my mouth that basically anything she tried to do was useless.

Despite my one negative critique, I think the film did a great job of showing the viewers what happens when you destroy culture and become greedy.  We see that many of the White men wanted gold and silver to get rich, but they were willing to do whatever it took (even if that meant hurting indigenous tribes) to get what they wanted.  I think it is vital that future generations understand how problematic it is to hurt other cultures. This film does a great job of teaching morals and lessons while also showing thrilling scenes that keep the viewer wanting to watch more! I would definitely recommend this movie to a friend and I am really glad that we got to watch the film in class!

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